Review: Web 2.0 Directory

The Web 2.0 Directory is a collection of links, reviews and news articles having to do with Web 2.0. The page is functional and efficient, and has a (relatively) long history, with a high number of posts on the subject. Although the design is simple, and, i.m.h.o., a general section with introductory information on web 2.0 is missing, this is still a very useful blog for anyone who is interested in using or building web 2.0 type websites or services. I reward the Web 2.0 Directory, therefore, with 65 bricks, which builds it a Triumphal Arch :-)

Looks and functionality (10 Bricks)
The design of the Web 2.0 Directory is simple. It is has no graphical elements, but one could argue that this is not so important for a directory. The white with blue design of the web 2.0 directory does at least not distract the visitor.
The site navigation is not the best thing of this directory. Navigation is done through a ‘Tag Cloud’, which is, at least for me, quite complicated.
The content of the page is clear. This is a Web 2.0 Directory, and that’s also the name of the page and the title it bears.

Content (45 Bricks)
To me, the content of the Web 2.0 Directory is quite interesting. Not only does the author collect web 2.0 links and information, but he also gives his opinion about the sites, and he covers news on web 2.0. For this topic, the webpage offers quite a complete picture of what is going on in the world of Web 2.0.
What I miss, and I have been hammering on this point before in other reviews, is a section with a general explanation about Web 2.0. Here, ideally, readers should be able to quickly look up what is the definition of web 2.0, and what is the current state of the technology. Maybe some of this information is covered in the posts, but there are many of them, and thus it might be hard to find this kind of information on web 2.0 on this directory. So, i think it would be good to place an extra menu button with general information.
About the originality, I have a mixed feeling. On the one hand, the Web 2.0 Directory has very nice and unique info on technology and websites. On the other hand, there are a few posts which are written like an advertisement and not a genuine review.
One more point (and then I’ll stop whining), is the grammar of the text. In the newer posts, this problem seems to have disappeared, but the log as a whole contains quite a few errors, most notably in the title banner. This looks a bit clumsy, so I would advice to look into this.
The blog is updated daily or even more frequently.

Extras (9 Bricks)
The Web 2.0 Directory does not offer a high number of extras. There is the option to read the posts through a feedburner, and there is a page with referral programs, which might be useful.

Visit the Web 2.0 Directory

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